The Heilmans

Who are we and what do we do??

Hey I’m Chasity Heilman

Born and raised in a small town located in northern Kentucky. Grew up loving nature, animals and the like. I had the joy of planning my own wedding! I attended Carroll County Public Schools, where I currently work at as a Food Service Account Clerk. Ever since I can remember I have always been a "tomboy". Never really got into the whole make-up and dresses kinda thing. I still don't know much about makeup or how to operate a curling iron (and I'm 28 years old), yeah I know your probably wondering how I survive or landed a husband; at least my mother does anyway, but that would be a question you would have to ask my husband, Trey. We have been together for nearly 6 years and counting. He's by far the best thing ever to happen to me! We have three babies; Kitty/Pretty Girl a long haired Maine coon she's almost 7 years old, Gizmo another long haired Maine coon he's almost 5 years old, then we have Chief our pit bull he is 3 years old.

A quick list of things I love not necessarily in any order:
Trey Heilman, friends and family (pets are included incase ya didn’t know!)
Harry Potter
My Job
Traveling, no matter the distance
Lists, lists and more lists...
Basically anything outside
Essential Oils (Young Living)

So what caused me to want to start blogging? I love my life and how I live it and want to inspire more people to live the life that they have been given. I see people posting all day on social media and it seems as if there is so much hate in the world and I want to, however little it may by, restore some positive encouragement back into it. I take a step back and try to look at my life from someone else's perspective and what I see is a life full of love, laughter, enjoyment. When I sit and look at other bloggers and posts I'm like "oh man I wish I could do that" or "I wish my life was like that" but when I look at may life from another perspective (like how I just stated) I come to realize that my life is already like that. Ok maybe not exactly like that but in my own personal way it is.

My goal is to help other people see that not everything is as perfect as they may think through sharing with them my own experiences, good or bad.


Raised in northern Kentucky where I lived until high school. I spent my teenage years living in Indiana where I took numerous trade classes at the local vocational school. Among those classes was woodshop and automotive; two things in which I am passionate about. After high school I moved back to Kentucky where I currently live today. I’m a venturous type of person; going on hikes, camping trips and the sort since I can remember. Guess you can say I’m an outdoorsman. As Chasity mentioned, we have 3 animals: Chief, our dog, Gizmo and Sissy/Kitty/Pretty Girl, our two cats. I’m sure you’ll most likely find out soon, I’m not much on words. In videos Chasity will most likely do all the talking and she will most likely be the one to communicate with you guys on here. I’ve just been a shy person, but with Chasity by my side and I by hers we are becoming more confident in our skin and stepping out of our comfort zones a bit more.

Some things I like to do or I find enjoyable are:
My wife, Chasity
Our animals- we want to own a farm one day and have all the animals you can think of!
Camping, hiking, backcountry
Cars- American Muscle!

I started to pursue my passions with woodworking after realizing that I could actually make a living doing something that I love and bring people beautiful, solid wooden treasures.

Together we make The Heilmans

We’ve been married for 2 years now but have been together for 8. We have both grown up in farming families but neither of our parents owned a farm. We grew up either hunting or always around hunters and gardeners; The day after we met we were supposed to go hunting (check out our first date story) So hunting or a more outdoorsman style life was what we both were accustomed too, we never really thought of live in a different way; it was just how life was.

Once those ‘farting in front of one another’ kind of barriers broke we became more and more comfortable with talking to one another about our life choices. Once we began talking about marriage we began to start talking a little more in-depth about those and how we would work together in achieving that lifestyle.